My very first BLOG!
After soooo many years of having created an account with, this will be the very first time I will be posting a Blog. All the while I thought I have a Blog site, but just now, I realized that I don't. I created a website, but didn't know what to put in it, and ended up with a website that contained my thoughts. As it is, it should have been a Blogsite instead. Now, since, publishing a Blog is easier (for me of course), than updating a website, I prefer using the Blog.
It's from that I found out that has been acquired by Google and was recently reformatted. I got interested (again) in Bloggin and here I am now. Next I'll try to find out how to publish a Blog thru my cellular phone or thru SMS, since I just found out (again) that I can publish a Blog thru email which I can also do thru my cellular phone since it has it's own email client (but I still have to try it out since I'm talking here thru assumption, because the web site claims it to be).
Oh and by the way, because of the excitement, I did not follow the instructions on getting started, I ended up again with failure. I decided to create another Blog account at Blogdrive, but eventually was able to make my account here at work