Just recently, the Philippines launched a group of podcasts made locally, most of it, podcast versions of magazines and tv shows. I downloaded a couple of them, the m-pH podcast and the T3 Philippines Podcast.
It's a start, but if the m-pH peeps continue with that kind of format, well, it's LAME. It goes the same with the T3 magazine podcast. I mean, you flaunt that these are Philippine podcasts for Filipinos and yet you discuss things that Filipinos CANNOT get. Yes we the 5th Gen iPod is already available locally, but to discuss about iTunes and the contents of iTunes is, well, not Filipino. Ok, maybe they could mention it but not totally make it your topic for the whole podcast. Heck, we can't even purchase from iTunes Music Store. Then they talked about the SONY rootkit fiasco, hehehe how many filipinos do you think has purchased these CDs and how many CDs do you think are for sale in the country? Oh and how many Filipinos do they think has a PC? I would agree that the PC penetration base is starting to grow, but it's not enough.
And the discussion is NOT DYNAMIC. Guys, use your ingeniuity! There are lots of topic to discuss which I think is worth talking about like the increasing shift from dial-up to broadband connection. The increasing trend in wireless networking at home and it's wide deployment in the urban centers. These things are local news and that's what you're supposed to be, local podcasts with local content.