Today, someone from Globelines came over my place to act on the complaint regarding my unreachable subscribed speed. I am currently under their 2Mbps plan and for some time now (being the pessimist that I am), I patiently waited until that incident in Taiwan has totally been fixed. But then, I noticed that I don't reach even 50% of my supposed subscribed speed.
Anyways, this guy came over and tested my speed, and for sure I was only getting around 4xxkbps to a maximum of 9xxkbps from my supposed 2Mbps, that should be around 2xxxkbps. So he checked my modem configuration (a Globelines supplied PROLINK 9300G wireless modem/router) and just as I observed before, that my line was capped at 1.5Mbps down and 512kbps up. He called up their Network Operations Center (NOC) and asked to change my settings to 2Mbps up and 1Mbps down (now this thing baffled me, supposedly, in their system, I should be, by default under the 2Mbps up and 1Mbps down setting already, for more than 3 mos. to be exact, and they're just setting it now?). Restarted the modem, and checked if it will sync with their servers, which it did NOT! So my settings were brought back to the old 1.5Mbps up and 512kbps down, which as expected synced. Now this baffled the technician more and called up other numbers and talked to a couple more peeeps. He then gave up and told me that he'd just go back tomorrow to check on the speed and told me to monitor the speed.
After he left, I checked my speed and for around 30 minutes, I was hitting 1.5Mbps! Yehey! But that was short lived since there was a brief power failure and since that time, I am now getting (again) my old 3xxkbps to 8kbps speeds. Now I know that it's not my wiring here at home and that the problem is on their side. I am just hoping that they would figure it out fast. It's not that I am not getting fast speed, heck, I'm really ok with the speed that I'm getting at the moment. But I am paying for a 2Mbps speed and just like them when they demand immediate payment for their services, then I should demand the appropriate speed that I am paying for. It's just a GIVE AND TAKE relationship, I do my part and they do theirs.