Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Kubuntu Media Box

As a resident physician, a weekends off is just like summer vacation
for students. It's a time that is relished and loved.

It's my weekends off and I'm not letting anyone take it away from me.

Anyways, I decided to fine tune my Kubuntu box, I installe KDE 4 into
it and it looks very sleek on my HDTV. But since I installed it, I
can't seem to figure out why the fonts are too small. I tried
adjusting the fonts from the Appearance option but a small increase
of the font size reflects a very large increase on the display. Just
when I was about to shift back to KDE 3, I tried one last option, by
checking on the force font size to 120dpi and that fixed it. The
fonts and the display are awesome.

Then I transferred AVI files to it and officially made it my Media Box.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Linksys WUSB54GC

It's been a long time since I wanted to buy a USB Wireless Adapter. I
was thinking of just buying one of those cheap adapters but decided
to do otherwise.

I bought a Linksys WUSB54GC because I wanted the security of a
dependable product. I actually have different Linksys product such as
a compact router (WRT54GC), a signal repeater WAP54G (I think).

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kubuntu on HDTV, Finally!

I replaced my aging Pentium 4 CPU who suddenly cannot recognize a re-install of WinXP. So I decided to install Kubuntu into it. Why Kubuntu and not Ubuntu? Well, I've gotten used to KDE, because this is what's in Xandros in my EeePC. Anyways, I didn't want to throw away the CPU, as it still has a good processor, I think the problem is the RAM, a PC266 RAM, which is hard to look for nowadays. So, I said I would use the CPU as a Medica Center type of computer, I hooked it up to my HDTV, and because it too has an nVidia Video card (it's AGP so I can't use it on my new CPU which uses PCI Express), I think I can use it to my advantage.

At first, I bought a Linksys WUSB54GC USB Wireless Adapter. Which I can't seem to make it work with Kubuntu, even with the updated repositories. And since I only have 2 LAN cables running in my basement, this became a dilemma. I have 3 units, that will be using the LAN cables. Two computers and one VoIP adapter. So, I decided to move the LAN cable to the Kubuntu unit and used the Linksys adapter to the WinXP box.

Now everything is running, except for audio, I have to route an audio line from the Kubuntu unit to my HT amplifier, at the moment, I don't have a long audio cable that could reach the AV receiver, hopefully, I would have time tomorrow or this week to get one and I'm off, right now, I'm downloading HD content from Tekzilla and Diggnation.

Next project is to get a NAS to store all the media that has been downloaded to be available to all the computer users in the house.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Everex Cloudbook - Disappointing

A couple of unboxing pictures of the Everex Cloudbook is already out in the net and so far it's synchronous in saying that the EeePC competitor SUCKS! The trackpad alone is useless for one hand operation. And the price is waaaaay farther than that of the ASUS.
Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide

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