I've set up my own network at home. I have my wireless DSL modem/router (PROLINK H9300G from Globelines) then two LAN cables run down to the basement connected to my VoIP adapter and to my desktop PC. When my desktop PC conked-out, I replaced it with a new one (no problem so far), but I was able to fix the busted box, I installed Linux on it and hooked it up to my HDTV hoping to make it my Media Center PC. So now, I need another connection to it. Then, one of the LAN cables became food for the rats. That's why I decided to get me a switch.
I bought it from PC Express. Actually I bought a crimping tool, a cable tester (both from CD-R King) and RJ45 jacks (from PC Express).
The challenge I thought was how to arrange the tiny wires to fit in the RJ45 but after a wrong wiring and wasting one RJ45 jack, I was able to make, I think, 4 LAN cables hehehe.
Ok now with the switch. Why Dlink? Well, I was looking for a cheap switch, there were two brands under P1000, a Cnet and Dlink. Logic dictates I get the one with the better branding, and that's Dlink, it's actually P50 more than the Cnet.
Now, instead of running more cables across the house, one cable from the router will be enough, and the wirings will be split in the basement.