Scared me that my tablet was bricked...damn waste of good hardware. I even tried to reset it and all I got was a red LED lighting up for a few seconds then off it goes.
So I searched the interwebs and read about this kind of a problem with how RIM managed the Playbook's charging procedure. You see, the tablet needs to be on for it to charge, which means, it needs a small amount of charge in the batteries for it to charge, thus, when fully discharged, the Playbook won't charge at all. Confusing huh! Well, Blackberry has posted a "Knowledge Base" about it and it's still confusing.
Anyways, so I decided to follow a common path in dealing with the problem wherein I have to plug the Playbook to it's charger, wait for the red LED to light up, then unplug it when the LED disappears then plug it again, repeating the process for...they say around 10x, but I say, until the battery with a lightning bolt symbol appears on the screen and the LED turns into flashing yellow. By that time, you can now breathe a sigh of relief as your Playbook is now charging...which I did! Sigh-ed! Whew!
Right now I'm not using a laptop anymore, I have 2 tablet computers and the desktop at home. For my mobile computing needs, the tablet is more than enough to satisfy it. It is then unacceptable to lose a tablet now because I use them, especially the Playbook for my lectures. Now I have to be very careful when it comes to the Playbook's battery charge.