Friday, July 27, 2012

Currently for Chrome

If you like the Sun web app and the Solar app for iOS and want to carry it towards your desktop and you're using Chrome, then you can install a Chrome App Currently and enjoy the minimalist effect of time and weather on your desktop monitor.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

London Olympics 2012 Results App

If you want to be abreast with the latest scores of the different games, download and install the app which is available in both Android and iOS.

sent using Gmail on a Motorola Xoom

Sunny Air minimalist weather app for Android

If you have an Android device and would like to use a similar minimalist weather app from iOS like the Solar, don't fret because there's one for Android and it's called Sunny Air. You can download it from here

Monday, July 23, 2012

Coastal Road/CavitEX E-tap Prepaid Card

This is the E-tap card. An NFC card that can be reloaded in denominations of 100. Ideally it can reduce the time spent by a driver in a toll booth by nearly 50% and will reduce the stress of looking for an exact change or stressing one's self if all you have is a large bill.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SMS thru your browser

If you have an Android phone & want to send and receive SMS on your computer, one solution is using Mighty Text. It's a two-part solution, wherein you download an app to your phone (then forget about it after installing). Then a web app. As long as the computer you're using is on the same network as the phone, even if your smartphone is tucked in your bag or in your desk drawer, you can be notified when an SMS arrived, or if you want to send one, all you have to do is to click on the Chrome extension, if you're not using Chrome, just go to and log in with your Google Account deets (you have a Google Account for sure if you're using an Android phone) and type away. It can even alert you if you have an incoming call.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Virtual Keyboard: Android Ice Cream Sandwich vs iOS (iPad 2)

Comparing the two, I would go to with the Android keyboard. Some would argue that it's just the same since both are on-screen keyboards and nothing can be done especially about the tactile feedback. Yeah you can say that...but I think the difference lies on the screen size of the device. Since Android is generally landscape oriented...the keyboard is more naturally spread out, unlike the one in iOS where it's "cramped" sort of a way. And the key presses have more "feedback" if you may, though visual for that matter, on the Android than on the iOS tablet. I can say the same thing when it's in portrait mode.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Transfer contacts from a non-smartphone to a smartphone

Ever experience transferring your contacts one at a time from your old phone to your spanking new smartphone? It's definitely hell. Fortunately, as the saying goes..."there's an app for that"!

Found an app accidentally which installs to an Android phone and "guides" you into transferring contacts "flawlessly".

I was supposed to transfer contacts from an "old" Nokia E5 to an Android phone...I just downloaded and installed RAINBOW CONTACTS from Google Play Market and in less than a minute, all my contacts were transferred.

sent using Gmail on a Motorola Xoom