The other day, my DSL Provider, Globelines, finally replaced my SPEEDTOUCH 330 USB ADSL
modem after 2.5 weeks of waiting. But the good news is, they did not charge me a single
cent. They replaced it with a SPEEDTOUCH-Alcatel 511e Ethernet ADSL modem. Though the
Globelines CSR told me that the modem change will just take a week and it took more than
what they promised, the personnel that replaced the modems were very professional and
arrived on the set time that I asked them to come over. Nonetheless, I am presently
impressed on how the new ethernet modem is working so far.
The differences between the USB from the Ethernet modem are: No more setting up DUN (dial-up
networking) with the ethernet, no software driver to install and sort of runs faster and
better than the USB thing. Although when I tried to search the internet for information
about my "new" ethernet modem, it turned out that the modem model itself is 2 years old. As
per the box which still says it's from Speedtouch-Alcatel while the new ones are already
from Speedtouch Thomson.
Well, the reason why I asked my modem replaced is because I'm planning to set up a wireless
network at home. See YAH!
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