After being thrown into circles yesterday, I finally got some tangible results. Now my DSL speed is 768 kbps! When I jumped into the DSL bandwagon last year and subscribed to Globelines Broadband, I got 386 kbps for my P1995.00 monthly subscription. Fair enough for me since it's waaaay fast compared to dial-up. Even when rival PLDT myDSL bumped up their speeds last May 2005, I was confident then that my DSL provider would not let me down. So, on September 20, 2005, I checked out <a href="">Globelines'</a> website to see for any promos or to that extent, anything that would interest me. Then I saw that they've updated the broadband packages that they're offering, this time, the P1995 has 768 kbps! So, I immediately called Globelines' customer service and ask if I could have my speed bumped up, and they said all I have to do is to go to the nearest Business Center and fill out a Service Modification form and wait for my speed to increase, pretty easy huh?! NOT!!! The next day, before going home, I went straight to the Business Center here at Habay Road, Bacoor, Cavite. To my surprise, the customer service representative told me that I have to pay 2 months of my current monthly fee as to preterminate my DSL subscription so I could avail of the new speeds. Even when I told her that I already called their HOTLINE she still insist that it's going to be a termination of service and that there might have been a MISCOMMUNICATION between me and the girl on the phone I talked to the night before. So, I just told her never mind and I'll just come back after two months to have my service upgraded. When I got home, I called the Globelines Customer Service Hotline right away and asked for clarification. Still, what the guy told me was the same thing the girl the night before told me, that it's just a SERVICE MODIFICATION! He told me that he'll call me back to clear things up with that girl in the Business Center. True enough, after 30 minutes, the guy told me that everything has been settled and all I have to do is to go to the Business Center and just fill up the necessary forms. Then after 2 minutes from the guys call, the girl from the Business Center called up and told me to drop by anytime (pretty long huh?). So, I went, but when I got there, she told me that I don't have to pay the pretermination fee anymore but I still have to have my line disconnected to avail of the new speeds (man this is getting irritating!). So I told her the guy on the phone told me otherwise. So, she told me that she'll clear things up first with their head office and she'll just call me the next day (which is today). Fine! When I got home, again, I called up the HOTLINE and reported the Business Center girls incompetence, even them at the HOTLINE could not believe it happened. Today, I got a call from the Business Center girl and told me that everything's all right and that my speed has now been updated. Whew dude, it's that simple, she just doesn't know what she's supposed to know. Just imagine how unproductive it would be to a very big company to send someone to remove the hardware from my house and eventually install it back again! What do you think?
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