I'm currently installing WINDOWS VISTA RC2 on my desktop.
Thanks to my external drives, I don't have to worry that my files/documents will get lost, by keeping one hard drive only for the OS and programs, I can install and re-format my PC as often as I like.
One of the downside is, I have to reinstall my programs. Oh, not to worry though, I've kept copies of these programs in my other hard drive and all I have to do is to double-click them to intall and that's it. I'll be waiting for some time before I could really give out an opinion on VISTA. But so far, with my experience with RC1, all I can say is, it's eye candy. Most of my programs work, but I'm having problems with networking, and those pop-up warnings are too annoying!!!!
UPDATE 1: I've said before this is the fastest Windows Install that I've ever done. The user inputs are right at the beginning of the installation process and after that it's all done. Now I'm waiting for it to update the performance settings.
UPDATE 2: Ok, I can't seem to find the AERO/GLASS option even though I have completed the requirements for it to run, still waiting for some changes. I had my 1st restart after the install. Oh and when I installed a new version of the Computer Associates Anti-Virus it cannot install on a VISTA machine, good thing I have a copy of the previous EZ-Trust software.
UPDATE 3: Finally, was able to load AERO/GLASS. After all the tweakings, all I have to do was to update the RATINGS of my system. Sheez!
UPDATE 4: There's a drawback in buying cheap peripherals, you don't get driver support from Windows VISTA hehehe. That's what I found out when I was installing the cheap Bluetooth USB dongle I bought at CD-R KING. Good thing I still have my trusty BILLIONTON Bluetooth Dongle and yup, as I've guessed it, VISTA recognized it. Now the next thing is to make my VEO Webcam work.