AFTER public discussions on the House bill on free and open source software (FOSS), the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) urged lawmakers to “step back” and rethink its position, the organization’s leader said.“As the representative organization of the Philippine software industry, the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) strongly opposes House Bill 5769, the Free Open Source Software Act of 2006, as sponsored by House Representative Teodoro Casiño,” PSIA president Fermin Taruc said in an e-mail to
“Government has no business or expertise mandating the use of one technology platform over the other. Are they crazy!!!! What do they mean that the Government doesn't have any business mandating the use of Open Source software? This just show how GREEDY these software companies are. They say that the Government must not force people to use Open Source software and yet, they BULLY and DICTATE the progress of each and every company that uses their software.
"Government’s role is to partner with the private sector in providing the environment and business framework in which innovation, creativity and freedom of informed choice can thrive, especially in the area of technology which is characterized by dynamism and disruptive change,” he said in behalf of the PSIA.Taruc said mandating the use of open source software in government is nothing but “myopic” and “a disservice to both users and developers of software -- as well as to the Filipino people. -- I don't think it's the Government that is being Myopic here. This is a lot of bullshit, are these people undermining the capabilities of Open Source software programmers? Using Open Source software will definitely save the Government a lot of money than using their software. Open Source softwares are more stable and offers the same functionality as the paid ones.
”PSIA fears that the bill will “compromise” the local software industry's target to generate revenues and employment for the country by 2010.
“By limiting government agencies to a technology platform, government prevents a level playing field in which various technology providers can compete and establish an experience and revenue base in the domestic market," it said.
"In this context, imposing restrictions on what kind of training can be offered defies all logic and reason," the group said.
RP software association opposes open source bill -
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