Saturday, September 13, 2008

Globelines Wirless Landlines Woes!

As if the very much delayed activation of my Globelines Wireless Landline was not enough, I was wondering why I kept on getting "unavailable" prompt when someone was calling me, I thought at first that Caller ID may not be a standard feature on the subscription that came with the phone. So I called up Globelines Customer Service yesterday (as much as I don't want to since they're not of any help anyways), and I was told that the Caller ID feature was not yet activated, and that she'll be submitting a report on it right away (again!).

I wonder what's going on with Globe, I know this company of being fast in installation and repair. Heck, I was surprised when I applied for my very first Globelines landline at the same time that I applied for a PLDT landline so many years back, as compared to the phone only and no dial tone PLDT installation, our Globelines phone was installed and had a dial tone on the same day. And every time I would report a problem, a technician would come in right away, the latest would be after a day. 

But with my latest experience with them, it made me think how chaotic the company is right now. Activation of the phone is so easy, all one has to do, after all the paperwork is flip a switch and whoa la! Same goes with the features! These telcos should learn how to market their product, that they should iron out kinks before launching to the public. Tsk tsk tsk, good thing this is only a 12 month subscription.

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