Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ubuntu Report: Better than Kubuntu

It's some time now that I've been using Ubuntu on my main LinBox. I was used to using Kubuntu. Some of you would say that there's not much difference between the two, but I say otherwise. For a novice Linux user like me, the difference is very obvious and big.

When it comes to adding and removing programs, it's a comparison between Apples and Oranges or Windows and Mac. With Kubuntu, the Add/Remove thingie does not work. Or, it did not work for me. Unlike in Ubuntu, well, it works.

I will be writing more and more about my experiences with my Ubuntu Box. So far so good. Some of the quirks that I am noticing are that some of the dependencies are not downloading properly. I don't know if it's mostly from my internet connection, or my LinBox, either way, I am getting frequent errors after updating.

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