Saturday, November 15, 2008

From U to RED

Yesterday I got a phone call from someone, she told me that I will be receiving a new SIM to replace my current uMobile SIM. They are changing names, from uMobile to RED Mobile. They are now finishing the transition towards full integration with SMART network.

uMobile is the mobile phone division of one of the telecom companies that was granted 3G license by the NTC. But a few months in their launching, they were acquired by SMART.

Their marketing strategy was to give out free SIM cards and free loads in return for allowing advertisement on the subscriber's mobile phone. Meaning, the more ads you click the more load you get. uMobile's initial promotion was an invite-only SIM which comes with P100 load/month. Midway on this promo, they will now change callsigns from uMobile to RED mobile.

I wonder what "unlimited" means in their teaser commercials?

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