Friday, November 21, 2008

To Eee or not to Eee

I like the ASUS Eee Box. I like it because simply because of it's size and it's capabilities. What am I going to use it for? I will use it to replace my Ubuntu box which acts as my media server at home.

I have an old WinBox that acted on me last year when I upgraded the HDD and Win XP doesn't want to install on it. Hopeless, I got myself a new WinBox with a Core 2 Duo processor. So what did I do with the old box? Since I cannot install Windows on it, and I am such a cheapskate to throw it away, I tried installing Ubuntu, and what do you know, it worked.

Now what to do with an extra CPU? Simple! Use it as a server, a Media server at that! I hooked it up to my HDTV, and it is now the center of my, ehem, "media" downloads. That's direct watching on the HDTV.

Anyways, let's go back to the EeeBox. Well, the Ubuntu Box uses a full-sized power supply, meaning, it eats a lot of energy, from in-use to standby. If I will replace it with the EeeBox, it will greatly decrease my carbon footprint, decreases the heat it produces, indirectly lessening the load on the airconditioning unit, cooling the basement faster.

But I'm hesitant to get one now. Though dirt-cheap at less than P15T, I am hopefull that a newer model will (more powerful) will come out in the following months as parts will come in cheaper.

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