I recently got myself my very first tablet, a Motorola Xoom...ever since I wanted to have one, even before the iPad came out. My thought is, it is very easy to consume content on a tablet than an ordinary desktop PC or a laptop. The thought of not waiting for the boot time, no need to look for a table to put it on to. It's something that one can carry around and use it when and where they want to.
The old windows based tablets were cool, but heavy and most of all, expensive. It was difficult to justify to buy something that's priced like a PC but not as functional. Then came the iPad, its cheap and easy to use. Now things changed.
Now I can go around the house, lugging the tablet, and sit anywhere I want, push a button and the content I want is there, right in front of me. I don't have to wait for it too boot, and the good thing is, the content I see from my desktop is the same content I have on the Xoom. Not the truncated bare one.
That brings use to the cellphones. Other will argue to get a cellphone instead of having to carry two separate things. But I am not convinced that there will be only one convergent device. They may have the same operating system, the same memory, same functionality, but still very different from one another. The display for one, I can get the same content I see on my tablet on the phone, but I enjoy reading and watching on a larger screen. I prefer surfing the net on a bigger screen. I prefer writing long emails and articles on a virtual keyboard than a virtual thumboard. Yet, I would rather take pictures and videos on my phone than on the tablet even if my tablet has a better camera.
There we see, simple daily habits done with two devices that may have the same specifications, but has totally different use.
sent using Gmail on a Motorola Xoom
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