Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Windows XP SP2 & Billionton Bluetooth -- NOT COMPATIBLE!

As with any other Windows XP user (or any Windows version for that
matter), I was very eager to get SP2, just to get disappointed. As a
techie, I rely most of my synchronization for my peripheral devices
(i.e. mobile phone & pda) to Bluetooth connection. Gone are the days of
having webs of cables coming from the back of my PC, each with it's own
purpose as a tether to another device.

But after installing SP2, my BT dongle now is just a "generic" BT
device (as recognized by XP). Now the services that was offered by
Billionton were gone and was replaced by the limited services of SP2 BT
support.So I guess I will just rely on 'ol SP1 and my Anti-virus
software to protect my PC from malicious attacks.

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