Sunday, January 23, 2005

The "Other Side"

Ever since I got my first Palm OS device, a Palm m100, I had never ceased to be fascinated by the Palm OS device. This is why most of the times, I seemed to be bias against the Pocket PC or Windows Mobile platform.
Perhaps this is because I was introduced first and got acquianted or used to the simpleness of the PalmOS, but with persistence (up to now) I still am trying to convince myself to like Windows Mobile. During my m100 days, I would agree that PPC devices are more advance in features and hardware-wise than the Palm devices we had then. the only thing that's holding the Palm OS devices in their place was the brand and the extremely large number or applications available for it (and considering the fact that PPC devices then were far more expensive than their Palm counterparts and way bigger and heavier too).
But when the advent of Palm OS 5, everything changed. The architecture and features were now balanced between the PPC and the Palm devices. But lately, looks like Palm is lagging behind it's rival, not because of hardware differences, but because, now, Palm has less hardware manufacturers and if so, the features are a step behind what the competition is shelling out. The only industry manufacturer that was giving PPC devices a run for their money was SONY, but last year, SONY decided to stop their Clie line in the West. So what does this mean to Palm? Definitely shivering sensation all over.
While HP and other PPC/Window Mobile device manufacturer are making more "convergence" devices, the same features are lacking in the Palm OS devices. Again, the only thing that holds Palm it's market share is the extensive line of application. Which Windows Mobile is following suit very fast.
Now back to me, on why I still am convincing myself to shift to the other side. With everything that I have said, perhaps, I'll get myself a Windows Mobile device, perhaps it's going to be a smartphone, but for sure, I am going to keep my Palm PDA's. because, not unless Windows Mobile developers can match the huge number of Palm OS softwares out there, "perhaps" no switch will happen....yet!
Oh, and did I mention I am an acitve member of the Philippine Palm Users Group?

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