Monday, August 29, 2005


Ever since I asked my DSL provider to change my DSL modem from a USB type to an Ethernet type, my adrelin to put up a wireless network at home never went down. I planned to get myself a wireless router, it was supposed to be a Linksys, but the Speedtouch 580 is very much welcome. After which I began searching for the right Access Point to provide wireless signal all over the house. Then I began looking at VoIP after I tried Yahoo! Messenger's Voice call. Damn! Potential with Broadband is way too many. I was glad though that the Philippine goverernment has released the guidelines for the launching of VoIP in the country. Now, it's just a matter of months before major companies start selling VoIp services and bet you, it's going to be a call frenzy to every country in the world.

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