Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Google acquires JotSpot

Wiki editor JotSpot is now part of the Google empire. When I opened my local internet news, I read that JotSpot, the wiki editor which offers Office suite online, was acquired by Google. Then when I opened my email, there was an email from JotSpot, informing me of the acquisition (being a registered user of JotSpot).

Before the Google acquisitions, there JotSpot was one of the companies that offer collaboration softwares like spreadsheets and word processors in the form of wikis. The other company that offer the same form of collaborative application was Writely, which are now both been acquired by Google.

If one will closely look at these actions of Google, it is very obvious that the big G is planning to monopolize all of the online office applications to directly face Microsoft's Office suite. Now this is competition.

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