Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Kubuntu Media Box

As a resident physician, a weekends off is just like summer vacation
for students. It's a time that is relished and loved.

It's my weekends off and I'm not letting anyone take it away from me.

Anyways, I decided to fine tune my Kubuntu box, I installe KDE 4 into
it and it looks very sleek on my HDTV. But since I installed it, I
can't seem to figure out why the fonts are too small. I tried
adjusting the fonts from the Appearance option but a small increase
of the font size reflects a very large increase on the display. Just
when I was about to shift back to KDE 3, I tried one last option, by
checking on the force font size to 120dpi and that fixed it. The
fonts and the display are awesome.

Then I transferred AVI files to it and officially made it my Media Box.

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