Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Globe DUO part 2

Globe Telecom - Home

Finally took the dive! I activated my DUO line, that means for 3 months I'll be paying for the P399 extra on my mobile phone bill and another P599 on my Globelines Wireless Landline.

Calling from my DUO activated phone to a landline gave good reception and worked flawlessly. But I can't say the same for incoming calls.

The first problem I encountered was the landline number that the system gave me, well, it's a bit long. So, when I dial that number from a regular landline, I get a busy or error tone after the 8th number. But after calling a phone with Caller ID display, I was able to retrieve my "true" landline number (but later this night, a system text was sent to me and gave me the same corrected landline number.

2nd problem was that, when I try calling the landline number of my DUO, 3 out of 4 will give me a busy number. I just hope Globe can correct this problem immediately.

And the 3rd (it's actually not a problem), well, the system knows when I am outside the area code subscribed and prompts the caller (landline) to call my mobile number instead.


Brownie said...

Goodness, Duo has saved me a fraction of my salary from paying my bill!

aji said...

well i just subscribed to globe duo using my prepaid globe phone last oct 11, 5pm. i can receive calls from pldt landlines, but not the other way around. i thought this issue was already fixed. bayantel lines work well though. i called globe and they said after the complaints during the past month, the duo to pldt issue was already resolved. called their cust service for 3 times, and the rep who last talked to me said to wait for 3-5 days before it gets serviced. according to her, to enjoy and make 'sulit' (her term) use of the globe duo subscription, i should call instead bayantel lines. and i was like, omg, you're telling me to make the most out of it by calling bayantel lines while all i need to call are business lines which are mostly pldt? well it's their cust service rep.

and my subscription is 1 month, since i joined without qualms. what if the subscription is less than 3-5 days? then everything went to nothing? until now, oct 13 7am, i still can't call pldt lines. globe doesn't deliver, at least on my end. so frustrating.

aji said...

My 1mo Globe Duo plan is not working again; worked for only 1.5 days in the past 6 days. after 5 complaints, think i'm done. i'm giving up.

Globe Duo is a great, innovative idea, but an unreliable service. 450 went to nothing, with lost transactions and other economic costs. sad.