Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Globe's SuperDuo and SuperSurf

Today, Globe launched a new service...the SuperSurf...for P2000 on
top of one's Monthly Service Fee...the subscriber gets unlimited
surfing power on their phones...though I don't know yet if it can
also be used when the phone is tethered to a laptop/notebook.

Globe's SuperDuo is a spin-off or a evolution of their Duo service
but this time is not limited to Landline alone, this time, the
SuperDuo subscriber can call with no time limit any Globe subscriber
where ever he/she is in the country. I have subscribed to this and so
far, it's not a 100% good service, but it's ok...perhaps I'm just an
understanding subscriber.... since I subscribed, I've experienced a
lot of difficult instances where I can't dial out of my phone or the
caller can't right away call me. But it has more advantages than

With the P2000 I don't think I'll be getting one. I
already have both Globe's Tattoo prepaid mobile broadband (and so
far, has not used it for a while) and SUN's Wireless Broadband, also
prepaid (which I use most of the time if I don't have access to a
free wifi access point). But most of the time, with the places I
frequently go to, I get access to the internet, at home, the hospital
and coffee shops.

Most of the malls today offer free wifi access, so what's the point
(well, that's my opinion). But at least, now, telcos are making these
services available to the public.

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