Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Unlimited Call & Surf line from Sun Cellular

I have two mobile phone lines. One is from Globe (which I have been using for more than 10 years now) and my 2 year old Sun Cellular line which I got during my residency training.

I enjoyed my Sun Cellular line for it's unlimited call and text feature. I am on plan 350. Although up to now, SUN still have some areas with unreliable signals. Anyways, last November, I decided to get myself an add-on to this sun cellular plan. An unlimited data add-on which I'll be using on my Android phone (LG Optimus One). It's a P649 add-on to my present P350 monthly that I'm buying, so basically, unlimited call, text and surf.

When I applied for the add-on, I was told that I will only be getting 2G speeds..."that's just how it goes" according to all reps from Sun. Ok, then I said, I'll give it a try, anyways, I will just be tied down for 6 months.

Lo and behold, when I popped the SIM in my phone, I was able to get 3G signals thru HSDPA! woohoo! eat your face SUN! All these time, I was enjoying my unlimited data plan! I can use it on my laptop when ever I'm in coffee shops that don't offer free wifi. And the speed I was getting was...hmmmmm "acceptable" just a tad slower than what I get with those free wifi in the coffee shops.

But just a couple of days ago, a friend told me he applied for a call and surf plan P999 on Sun Cellullar and he's getting hmmmm a little less than 2Mbps speeds...whoa! that's impressive. All the while I thought, I'm getting the same speed as him, since I can use the Android phone with Skype. I thought, that the speed is fast enough otherwise Skype calls will not be possible.

What bothers me though is that I can seem to use the "fbband" APN that is supposed to be used by post-paid plans. Though I talked to a SUN rep about this and he told me that as long as I'm getting HSDPA signal on my phone, then it wouldn't matter. But then again, having some sort of ADHD in me. I asked around and found out that, phones that use the "fbband" apn can get as much as 2Mbps speeds while those who are using the "minternet" apn has a cap of 400kbps only. What?!!!!!

So I tried it and it saddened me to know that I'm paying for something that I can actually get more from it. I called up SUN Cellular, and I was told that my current line is using a 2G SIM and only 3G SIMs can use the "fbband" apn. And! they can't just upgrade my 2G SIM to 3G because the 3G SIMs are using a different set of phone numbers.

Now I have to apply (take note!), apply for a new line! They didn't even consider my time staying with their company for 2 years!!!!! Well, it's a disappointing fact, but then again, just satisfy my lust for connectivity, I will be applying for that new line this week and dispose of my present line, once the new line is activated.

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