Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My tablet experience

I've always wanted a tablet, a computer that I can bring around...in the house, while watching TV, something I can use to glance at what ever is new in the internet. A computer that I don't have to wait to boot, something that will give me instant gratification tech-wise. I guess the time that I was waiting for has come.

Though not yet fully satisfied, mainly due to limitations on the present set-up, like I want to use the tablet for my presentations, for my lectures, which I can't at the moment, not because the tablet is incapable if it, but because it's too difficult to connect to projectors thru VGA cable, the current "standards" on the displays.

But I am more satisfied than not with my tablet. Instead of firing up the desktop in the morning to read the news, now I can do it, even when I'm still in bed. As I eat breakfast, I can read the news. I can check emails and respond to it right away (although I can also do this on my BlackBerry phone), and I too can check updates on social networking sights.

With the advent of digital photography, I don't have to ask the people I want to show my pictures with to come with me to the desktop or laptop just to show them the photos, neither will they feel awkward to ask me to slow down in changing pictures because I can hand them the tablet and they can leisurely flip thru the pictures themselves at their own pace.

I say, what ever tablet one is using right now, be it an iPad, an Android tablet (I'm using a Motorola Xoom) or a BlackBerry Playbook, the playing field is changing and it's changing for the good.

sent using Gmail on a Motorola Xoom

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