Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's New in Ice Cream Sandwich part 1

The splash screen is different. It's not the fluctuating, hypnotic purple honeycomb anymore, now it's more like the yellow, red, orange, blue flakes blasting out of a windows logo (I don't know why but that's what I can think of). Of course the Roboto font which is very noticeable system wide. In honeycomb, to unlock a device, just drag the encircled padlock outside the bigger circle, now you can only drag the padlock to either the left, which will open the camera app right away, or to the right, which will totally unlock the device. In the notifications bar, instead of tapping the "x" to dismiss, now, you have to "flick" or slide the notification to dismiss. Also, the glowing blue of honeycomb has been replaced with a brighter teal and a more dynamic set of icons on the task bar.

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