Sunday, December 28, 2008

What to do if you have a new (Windows) computer?

It's just after Christmas, there are some folks that either have enough money for a new computer (notebook, netbook, or desktop) or was given a new PC as a gift. Either way, before anything else, here are some "important" things to do:

1. Install an Anti-Virus and an anti-Spyware program - most Windows PC comes with either a trial version of an anti-virus or a year's subscription to one. But for those who does not, then get/download one. There are lots of FREE anti-virus softwares out there. I recommend the AVG Free. For casual users this will suffice. Another free anti-virus software is AVAST.

Then go to Google Pack, there's SpywareDoctor included in the pack, download it. But most computers now, be it Windows XP or Vista has it's own anti-Spyware program so no need for this, but check anyways.

2. Download and Install Firefox - again, most Windows PC's will come with Internet Explorer. The security in IE has improved but still, most websites and hackers will target IE because, yes, it still has it's vulnerabilities and simply because it's a Microsoft product.

If you're the social networking type, then Flock is an ideal browser for you. It's got Mozilla deep under it so, it's basically a socially active Firefox.

3. Fire up Windows Update - this will keep your system up to date on the latest fixes from Microsoft.

4. Install an Office Suite - you can get a discounted price of MS Office in your nearest computer store. Or if your skimping on shelling out money, you can always opt for the open source type but as functional as it's Microsoft counterpart. Download Open Office. It has (almost) the same functionalities as that of MS Office for free. But the current version does not support the XML files of the new MS Office Suite. But hey, you're just going to type letters on it.

5. Now that you've optimized your system, let's have fun! Download your favorite Instant Messenger - Most will use Yahoo! Messenger even if these Windows PCs come with it's own Messenger.

6. Install iTunes - even if it's an Apple product, and even if you don't have an iPod yet, and even if your new computer have Windows Media Player already installed, still for me, iTunes is one of the best MP3 applications out there.

7. Then for your pictures I recommend Picasa 3 - it organizes and let's you touch up and share your pictures easily. It even integrates itself to an online version seamlessly.

There you go, these are the "essentials" for a new computer. Other applications will depend on what you're going to use the PC for. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

HP Mini 1000

Now I am very jealous of my Mom. I gave her an HP Mini 1000 for Christmas. This is one beautiful netbook. The glossy exterior commands respect. The wide screen is stunning, the keyboard is to die for. Not all netbooks offer this kind of comfort for typing. Even if I praised the ASUS EeePC (which commands some aknowledgement for starting all these), the HP among the ATOM netbooks, has the prettiest and the most functional keyboard.

The size is just right and is very sleek, though the Mini Note 2133 looks sleeker, I don't mind the plastic casing, still beats the MSI Wind and the Acer Aspire One with the design.

The speed is acceptable as this is not going to be used as a powerhouse machine. As with connectivity, pretty good, with WLAN and Bluetooth. The hard drive capacity is fair with 60GB on-board. RAM is ok as well with 1GB power. Two USB slots available as the 3rd one is for the HP proprietary flash dirve. Unfortunately on the downside, the VGA out is non-standard, just like a Mac, one will need an adapter, but you have to buy it, doesn't come with the device.

The trackpad is bigger (my basis is the tiny trackpad of the EeePC), but the trackpad buttons are placed on both sides, unusual for a notebook since most are at the bottom of the trackpad.

The screen (as compared to the 4G EeePC), is, again, bigger but I noticed that the colors are a bit pale. Nonetheless, for the few hours I've used this machine, it's one great deal. I still can't say anything about the battery life, since I've plugged this baby ever since. No benchmark on it.

Will be updating the review as I get used to it. I will be installing MS Office tomorrow. Hope it will work.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SMART's Updated Website

Smart has updated their website. Pretty nice. I always want to see an updated website, especially the contents. It eventually becomes boring when the contents remain the same all the time. I guess, Globe has to follow suit!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Santa's Gone Centro

I saw this in one of the local Palm forums and it's very funny and interesting. Giving an old concept a new twist. Some might find it weird, but some might get entertained. Me, well, I like change. Or new concepts of old stuff.

Friday, November 21, 2008

To Eee or not to Eee

I like the ASUS Eee Box. I like it because simply because of it's size and it's capabilities. What am I going to use it for? I will use it to replace my Ubuntu box which acts as my media server at home.

I have an old WinBox that acted on me last year when I upgraded the HDD and Win XP doesn't want to install on it. Hopeless, I got myself a new WinBox with a Core 2 Duo processor. So what did I do with the old box? Since I cannot install Windows on it, and I am such a cheapskate to throw it away, I tried installing Ubuntu, and what do you know, it worked.

Now what to do with an extra CPU? Simple! Use it as a server, a Media server at that! I hooked it up to my HDTV, and it is now the center of my, ehem, "media" downloads. That's direct watching on the HDTV.

Anyways, let's go back to the EeeBox. Well, the Ubuntu Box uses a full-sized power supply, meaning, it eats a lot of energy, from in-use to standby. If I will replace it with the EeeBox, it will greatly decrease my carbon footprint, decreases the heat it produces, indirectly lessening the load on the airconditioning unit, cooling the basement faster.

But I'm hesitant to get one now. Though dirt-cheap at less than P15T, I am hopefull that a newer model will (more powerful) will come out in the following months as parts will come in cheaper.

The Vista View: Rated Average

I've finally dove into the Vista realm. Though technically I've used Vista since it's Beta and RC days. 

I think I caught a Blaster worm thru my USB flash drive from that printing shop who claimed that the .exe program in my flash drive was a virus/trojan horse. 

Ok, so after inserting the flash drive in my system, suddenly, I got that dreaded 60 secs shut down prompt. I tried playing around, you know, troubleshooting, but I guess my patience got to me and was not in the mood to play around. I decided to sacrifice the few photos and files I have in my un-partitioned hard drive. So the only solution I have at that moment was, to reformat. So, I popped out my XP CD and did a clean install. But after the whole process, I found out that I didn't have the drivers of my motherboard, thus I can't connect to the internet because I'm missing the Ethernet drivers. SHIT! I'm getting impatient.

I changed, walked all the way to the nearest SM (didn't bother to bring the car because it will just add time when I look for a parking space), and went straight to the Tech Shops. I went to Silicon Valley, asked how much Vista is, P4500 for the Home Basic and P7000 for the Home Premium (didn't bother to ask for the Ultimate version). Went to Octagon, but all they had was the Vista Starter Pack P2200. So I went back to Silicon Valley and asked for the Vista Home Premium (of course this is the OEM version), and the lady told me that there's a discount and I'm getting it at P6700 (hmmmm though I think even if there's no discount I'm still decided on getting one). 

At home, I inserted it into the DVD drive, restarted the PC, but no "press any key to boot from CD/DVD". WHAT? Perhaps I got a fake DVD? Yeah right! Ok, tried it a couple more times but still no progress. Ok, what to do now? I remembered that I have a downloaded Vista iso disk. Got it, and inserted it. THERE! Booted from that DVD and was able to get into the install part. Ok, here I am, holding a genuine Vista Install Disk but I'm using a bootlegged copy to install Vista. Yeah, confusing! Now, it's asking me for a product key. I entered the product key that came with my sparkling new DVD install disk and prayed profusely that the series of number would work. And it did! 

The installation was smooth and I was able to set up the OS in no time. I installed Vista drivers for my motherboard, soundcard and videocard. Installed drivers for my Samsung Laser Printer and Brother all-in-one printer, my wireless Logitech keyboard and mouse. Went into the web, downloaded and installed Firefox, Chrome, iTunes, Picasa 3. Installed Microsoft Office 2007 suite. Re-installed Palm Desktop and Hotsync Manager, all my Palm Centro apps including ePocrates, Merck Mobile Medicus, and Documents-to-Go.

In other words, I have revived the persona of my "old" PC, but renovated it into a new system. So why is it a big deal? Well, I am still convinced that Vista is a raw operating system and comparable to Windows XP, it's fairly a half-baked OS. I still consider XP as the more "stable" sibling. A friend of mine has been convincing me to "upgrade" to Vista, to be honest, one of the reasons why I don't is that, I find it expensive to spend on something that will be "obsolete" in a couple of years. Another thing that prevents me from using Vista is the availability of the drivers for my peripherals. Good thing, before I really decided to get the original software (up to now, it's hard to find a "reliable" bootlegged Vista), I looked for drivers for my peripherals, and Vista drivers were already available. So here I am, using a PC with Vista Home Premium available. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One Interesting Device (Toshiba G450)

This is one interesting device. It's a mobile phone, a USB Modem, and an MP3 player all in one. Yeah, I know, all other cellphones can do the same but then again, it's not as cute and perhaps functional as this. Just look at how sexy it looks. I just don't think it's going to be SMS friendly.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

From U to RED

Yesterday I got a phone call from someone, she told me that I will be receiving a new SIM to replace my current uMobile SIM. They are changing names, from uMobile to RED Mobile. They are now finishing the transition towards full integration with SMART network.

uMobile is the mobile phone division of one of the telecom companies that was granted 3G license by the NTC. But a few months in their launching, they were acquired by SMART.

Their marketing strategy was to give out free SIM cards and free loads in return for allowing advertisement on the subscriber's mobile phone. Meaning, the more ads you click the more load you get. uMobile's initial promotion was an invite-only SIM which comes with P100 load/month. Midway on this promo, they will now change callsigns from uMobile to RED mobile.

I wonder what "unlimited" means in their teaser commercials?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Downey to don Iron Man suit in 2 sequels

Downey to don Iron Man suit in 2 sequels 

Agence France-Presse

Posted date: October 30, 2008

LOS ANGELES -- Robert Downey Jr. has signed a deal with Marvel Studios to return to the screen as superhero "Iron Man" in two sequels to the hit film released last April, Hollywood media reported Wednesday.

Downey, 43, will make "Iron Man 2" for planned released in 2010, and Marvel envisions a third Iron Man film by 2012, according to Variety.

In between the two, Downey also agreed to play Iron Man, alias Tony Stark, in an Avengers movie, together with Marvel comics characters Captain America, Thor and the Incredible Hulk.

That film is scheduled for the movie houses in 2011.

"Iron Man" was a surprise hit in 2008, pulling in $318 million in North American theaters, beating out the fourth "Indiana Jones" movie.

Downey is currently filming in the lead role of "Sherlock Holmes," directed by Guy Ritchie, singer Madonna's estranged husband.

Downey also found success in the Hollywood war-movie satire "Tropic Thunder" earlier this year.

The successes marked the return to Hollywood heights by an comic actor whose career slumped due to a series of drug-related problems after his initial Oscar-nominated triumph playing the title role in 1992's "Chaplin." 

Friday, October 24, 2008

Android...the next Palm

I believe that the next Palm will be the Google Phone. 

The Palm during it's time became famous not because of it being a glorified PIM device, but because it was easy to make applications for it, thus making it famous to people who love to customize their device. Microsoft was not able to beat Palm during it's time because of it's simplicity and tons of applications.

This is how the G1 is now. If everything will be what they say it will, the Android being open source and all, then developers will have a wonderful time making applications for it and end users will have a blast using it. My gut feeling tells me, Android will be something. The device may not be as pretty as the iPhone, but it's more useful.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ubuntu Report: Almost there

I think the time when Linux (Ubuntu) will be an option for computer buyers is almost here. I've been using Ubuntu for sometime now and it's becoming simpler to use. Although there's not many applications for the OS, it's getting there. The only thing that the developers have to do is to make it more user friendly (not that I'm saying it's not, it's getting there). 

Right now, it's easy to surf, download (direct and torrent), type a letter, make a presentation, do some simple excel stuff. One thing that's difficult in it at the moment (for me) is the installation of new applications. It's easy if the application that I'm looking for is within the repositories that came default with the OS. Oh and if one knows how to go with the apt-get install thingie. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ubuntu Report: Better than Kubuntu

It's some time now that I've been using Ubuntu on my main LinBox. I was used to using Kubuntu. Some of you would say that there's not much difference between the two, but I say otherwise. For a novice Linux user like me, the difference is very obvious and big.

When it comes to adding and removing programs, it's a comparison between Apples and Oranges or Windows and Mac. With Kubuntu, the Add/Remove thingie does not work. Or, it did not work for me. Unlike in Ubuntu, well, it works.

I will be writing more and more about my experiences with my Ubuntu Box. So far so good. Some of the quirks that I am noticing are that some of the dependencies are not downloading properly. I don't know if it's mostly from my internet connection, or my LinBox, either way, I am getting frequent errors after updating.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My New Wireless Keyboard and Mouse combo...the Logitech S510

I have been itching to get a new wireless keyboard for my desktop. I'm not looking for any fancy gaming wireless keyboard, just a simple, yet elegant wireless keyboard. I'm planning to put my old Logitech Wireless Keyboard to my Ubuntu Box hooked to my HDTV. That will now compliment the design of the Media Center.

Since my first Logitech Keyboard and Mouse combo did a very good job, of course, I will have to replace it with an equally good performance combination also from Logitech. I was able to find what I want from the Logitech Cordless Desktop S510 (my old one was the Cordless Desktop EX110), my only gripe from the old one is that the letter started to fade out as time goes by. I just hope that this new one will not (although I'm planning to cover the letter with clear nailpolish for extra protection).

So yes, I got myself a Logitech Cordless Desktop S510. And yes, this thing is very hard to find. I fell in love right away with the design. It's very slim and has the right buttons. Again, this thing was very hard to find. I looked around I think 4 malls to find it, was able to find this last thing at Octagon Park Square in Makati. The box was under a stack of Wired Genius Keyboards. And the box didn't look like it was brand new (you know, the edges are peeling off and grime that is more than what one can find in a brand new box set. Anyways, I left the store and tried to look around, but the closest that came from the design was a Microsoft keyboard and mouse combo (yes, it's also wireless). But I decided to get the Logitech. Good thing though that the store yanked P500 from the price. Basically a good deal for me.

Yahoo! Mail on my Palm Centro

The other day, my wife asked me why some of her emails can be found in her Palm Centro but she can't find it in her Yahoo! Mail, I ignored it. But today, it came back to my mind and asked her if it was about her Yahoo! Mail that she was asking me the other day, and of course, she said yes, it's about Yahoo! Mail. This confused me, one because I know she's not that techno-savy as me (yabang!) and two, all the while I thought that POP forwarding is only available for Premium Yahoo! Mail accounts. 

So I checked her Centro and indeed, she was getting her Yahoo! Mail thru the Centro's Versamail application. Ok, this amuses me to the max. I asked her what she did and all she told me was she just put in her Yahoo! username and password, and clicked on the "Get" soft-button. Well, simply-put, I did the same to my Centro and lo and behold, it fetched my Yahoo! Mail. That's without entering anything on the settings. No setting-up! AMAZING!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wireless Broadband Battle goes on....

After Globe brought down the price of the Visibility Prepaid, Smart followed suit and brought down their price to P2500 as well. This is very interesting, not only for technophiles like me, but to those people who are in the far-flung provinces of the country. Wireless Broadband will be centuries to go before it reaches these barangays, but at the moment, the platform for wireless internet connection is already in place thru these telco's cellsites.

Even as I type this article, many people are getting these thingamajig, even those who already have broadband connection and at home (including me hehehehe), simply because it's a cheap way to connect. Even those that stay in fancy coffee shops get one of these, because wifi access is not cheap in these places. A very affordable way to surf the web and check emails.

Smart is still using their ZTE USB modems, while Globe has two variants, a ZTE and a HUAWEI E160 models. Both are USB stick Modems that also function as card readers for microSD cards (once inserted in the modem will now act as a modem and a flash drive).

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Globe Visibility: Globe should be paying me for marketing

I have an Indonesian co-resident. He's been asking me what's the best way to connect to the internet. He's the same guy who I was able to convince to get a Bayan Wireless Landline Prepaid. That was supposed to be a one stop shop for him. Unfortunately, he can't seem to connect to the interweb, then we found out that at the 14th floor where he lives (this is from the Bayantel CSR), there is some problem connecting data and IDD (weird), yes, super weird because, he can receive and make local calls at that level.

Anyways, I told him about Globe's Visibility Prepaid unit, but he was more convinced with the SmartBro prepaid because according to him, it's cheaper at P10/hr, which, of course I disagreed! I told him the charges are the same at P20/hr, the only difference is the speed and the way they're charging it.

Well, to make things short, I brought my Huawei E160 and showed him how to make it work in his laptop, and told him he could borrow it and test it in their place. I'll be waiting for his reaction tomorrow.

Globe Visibility: Finally with Huawei E160

I thought I got a busted unit, but when I used a Post Paid SIM in it,
I was able to connect, and when I used the USIM that came with the
unit, it worked!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Globe Visibility: Problem Connecting in Crowne Plaza

I was trying to connect using my newly bought Globe Visibility
Prepaid, Huawei E160 USB modem, but it seems like it having a hard
time connecting to Globe even if I'm getting a pretty decent signal.

I found the problem, the settings are set for PostPaid while I'm
using a prepaid USIM. Looks like I'm not getting enough signal in the
conference hall.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Globe Visibility: Huawei E160 USB MODEM

The other day, I got myself a Globe VisibilityPrepaid USB Stick, I thought I was going to get a HUAWEI E160 (I liked how it looked like in the 3 Black Edition), but instead got a ZTE USB modem instead. I eventually gave the ZTE USB modem to my aunt (she's going to use it with her new MagicJack).

Though I don't have any use for a USB Broadband modem at the moment (I have free WiFi at work and I have DSL with a wireless network at home, the two places that I'm always at), I decided to get another one just for the sake of having one hehehe. Anyways, there is an ongoing shortage of the device at the moment, so, I asked in the Globe Business Center in Megamall, as expected, I was told that it's out-of-stock. No fret, I'm not in a hurry to get one anyway. So I ended up at the Globelines Business Center at the same mall, again, I just tried my luck, and was told that they have it on-stock (weird! hehehe), so I said that I'm getting one.

While waiting for my number to be called, I saw from that customers ahead of me that the packaging for the VISIBILITY Modem that they're getting is different from the one I got before (ZTE), I got very excited when I found out that the ones that they're selling are the HUAWEI type!

In short, I bought one, looks fancier than the ZTE, still white, and the software is pretty much the same (though not exactly the same), as the one that came with the ZTE. I have yet to test the speed of this unit, will post my experiences with it right away!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Globe Visibility Prepaid

Wasn't able to resist it. I tried getting one last week, but was out
of stock in the Globe Business Center at the SM Mall near our place. I
got a text this morning, informing me that they just got a fresh batch
of Visibility Prepaid USB Modems. Heck, it's just P2500 and it's
Prepaid! I don't have to worry about the monthly charges, because I
don't really need it.

I just want to have one. I'm so connected! I have Wireless Internet in
the hospital (I hooked up a Dlink DIR-300 wireless router on one of
the LAN cables at work), and I have a good 2Mbps DSL line at home. But
hey, it pays to be connected. I will use this between work and home.

I'm also thinking of using this at coffee shops (Starbucks, Coffee
Bean & Tea Leaf, etc) that has a P100/hr WiFi Access fee or more.

It's a nice USB modem, at first I thought it was a HUAWEI USB modem,
but it's a ZTE stick instead. It doubles as a Flash Drive too when
you put in a microSD card. This one is a lot handier than the earlier
Huawer E220 USB modem.

It comes in a DVD plastic case, very nifty. No softwares on a CD as
this is Plug 'n Play. Just pop it into one of any free USB ports,
regardless of the OS (Windows or Mac) and it will intall itself on the
computer, and you're ready to go surfing while on the move.

It's advisable to lock the modem to a 3G signal than to let it choose
between 3G and GPRS.

Now the next thing that I have to do is to remember the phone number
of this thing, shit, another set of numbers to memorize.

These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
Try it out here:

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Nokia E71

I have never liked Nokias, for me, the OS is too buggy and has a lifespan to which it will tell you that it's time to get a new phone. Neither did I like most of their designs. I'm more of a Sony Ericsson guy. But when Nokia came out with their E-series, it's like something in the dark-side is pulling me to get one. So I find the E71 very nice and pleasing to my eyes. I feature-set is also tempting with WiFi and the Office Suite together with the QWERTY keyboard layout.

At the moment I'm still hesitant to get one, since I don't have space for a new phone, perhaps when I find it to replace my phone, I will surely consider this set of Nokias.

The Sony Ericsson W350i - I LIKE THIS PHONE

I saw this phone the other day, and I fell in-love with it right away! It's so sexy and slim, though I'm not a fan of Walkman Phones but there are other colors available to choose from. Sony Ericsson phones have very nice UI, but they haven't changed it since my T610. Hmmmm I really don't have any space for a new phone right now.

Buffalo WCR-G54

I got this the other day so I will have a wireless signal where ever I am in the hospital. I asked the IT guy to set it up for me so I could just plug it into one of the free LAN cables on any floor.


The Buffalo WCR-G54 Wireless Router is a capable router, but don't look for performance that you're expecting from big name routers such as Linksys and Dlink.

The form factor is definitely small. Much smaller than the Linksys WRT54GC (Linksys Compact Wireless router). It's thin and light. It also comes with a stand so you could save precious space. The trade off from the size, is that, it comes with a power brick instead of the usual wall plug adapter. This means, more stuff to carry. But for those who will use this as a home router, the looks is definitely a plus. It's matte black and it will surely blend in any room's decor.

It has the usual bells and whistles such as 3 LAN ports (1 less than the usual), it has a very visible set of indicator lights. And I would presume ample ventilation slots as I haven't experience any "overheating".

Setting it up is easy, one can just pop-in the CD and follow the prompts or if you're a little bit advance, log on to the web utility page and put in your settings and you're to go. This thing is really Plug 'n Play personified. A friend of mine borrowed it so he could test it at home, this guy is not that knowledgeable when it comes to networking, but all he did was to plug in the LAN cable from the DSL modem, plug the router to the mains and he was able to get a signal in just a few seconds after which, he's got a wireless network at home (although I had to teach him how to set up the wireless security measures (e.g. WPA passwords).

Another good thing about this router is it's hardware settings. There's a switch on one side, the user can choose between AUTOMATIC, ROUTER and BRIDGE modes. No need to dig into the web utility page.

As for the performance, it's antenna-less, meaning the reach is acceptable, again, not comparable with the Linksys WRT54G or the Dlink DIR-300. I would suggest this to someone who would be needing a wireless network in a dorm room, a studio type apartment, or an office. But for houses with concrete walls and 5 floors to boot, then this is not for you. A room-wall-corridor-wall-room set-up will cough out about 2 bars of signal on the next room. That will give you an idea of the range this router can give.

Nonetheless, for those who are going to get a router for the first time, and for those who doesn't want to shell out too much moolah on a wireless router, then I suggest you get this baby instead. Don't bother with the ones from CD-R King, though I'm not saying that their routers are not good, all I'm saying is, for a few more bucks, you can get a branded router with easy set-up utility and a small form factor. Heck, this can even replace the bulky Linksys WRT54GC I have which I use as my travel router.

But for a few more bucks, for a home router, I would recommend, the Dlink DIR-300 instead. It has and external antenna and has a wider range. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Globelines Wirless Landlines Woes!

As if the very much delayed activation of my Globelines Wireless Landline was not enough, I was wondering why I kept on getting "unavailable" prompt when someone was calling me, I thought at first that Caller ID may not be a standard feature on the subscription that came with the phone. So I called up Globelines Customer Service yesterday (as much as I don't want to since they're not of any help anyways), and I was told that the Caller ID feature was not yet activated, and that she'll be submitting a report on it right away (again!).

I wonder what's going on with Globe, I know this company of being fast in installation and repair. Heck, I was surprised when I applied for my very first Globelines landline at the same time that I applied for a PLDT landline so many years back, as compared to the phone only and no dial tone PLDT installation, our Globelines phone was installed and had a dial tone on the same day. And every time I would report a problem, a technician would come in right away, the latest would be after a day. 

But with my latest experience with them, it made me think how chaotic the company is right now. Activation of the phone is so easy, all one has to do, after all the paperwork is flip a switch and whoa la! Same goes with the features! These telcos should learn how to market their product, that they should iron out kinks before launching to the public. Tsk tsk tsk, good thing this is only a 12 month subscription.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The New Sony Ericsson's hot G705 slider

Sony Ericsson's hot G705 slider gets real, YouTube video uploads - Engadget

Get your own personal assistant with the new Sony Ericsson G705 mobile phone. The 2.4” screen enhances the premium web experience, whether you are searching Google™ direct from your idle screen, checking emails through the phone’s Exchange ActiveSync™ capabilities or using Wi-Fi™ to access the latest news. The G705 lets you juggle your day the easy way.

I might say, this is one hot phone. Oh no! I don't know if I have a use for this, but I have to get one!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Globelines Wireless Landline: Finally Activated

FINALLY! After all the frustrations calling Globelines' Hotline and after all the open-ended answers from the CSRs, after two weeks of the supposed 48 Hrs of activation, I was finally able to call from my ZTE N160 Globelines Wireless Landline Phone.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Google Chrome Chronicles: Crash with BDO site

My first Chrome Crash, last night I was accessing my bank's site  but at one point after I type in my credentials, the window would just close. I tried it 3x and it does the same over and over again.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Google Chrome Chronicles: Fast Load

So far, I am liking that fast loading of webpages in GChrome. Very fast and reliable, no crashes so far.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Google Chrome

Today I installed Google Chrome and has been using it for almost the whole day, so far it's working fine. Will be blogging about it in the coming days.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Globelines Wireless Landline Application/Activation - NOT FUNNY but IRRITATING

I applied for a globelines wireless landline last thursday Aug 28, 2008 at Greenbelt 4. It was a fairly easy process since I just asked them to link it to my existing Globelines account. I was then told that activation will take a MAXIMUM of 3 days. Now is the 3rd day and my line is not yet activated.

This frustrated me, being the eager beaver that I am, I called up Globelines Customer Service Hotline (171 for Globelines or 02 9198888 for other phones) to ask about the "SIM card slot" on the phone. Thru the course of the conversation with the CSR, I found out that my application was still pending for APPROVAL! WHAT! I said to the CSR, if it was still for approval, how come they already gave me the unit (ZTE N160)? Ok, so he told me to just wait for the call from their support group informing me of my telephone number and activation of the line.

Ok, I did not receive a call, so the next day, Aug 29, 2008, I called back and asked for the status of my application, and still the CSR told me that it was still PENDING approval and activation. Now I got pissed off, becuase from the previouse CSR, he told me that normally, activation is done within 24 hours! So as to pass along my frustrations and anger, I did not hang up and instead argued with the CSR (I worked in a call center before and talking too long to a customer will ruin the metrics of the CSR and the team), and even asked for a supervisor, to which they were not able to give me one.

Yesterday, Aug 30, I called back and still got the same answer, again, I argues for quite sometime. Today, still no call form the support services and I called back again. I will be calling again for the whole day just to pester them.

The leaflets, ads and the Globelines website, indicates that activation is within 48hours which has not happened to me. tsk tsk


Just recently I bought a DVD player (Philips DVD6620) that has HDMI output. Ever since I got my HDTV, I was not able to utilize it's Hi-Def potential because my Pioneer DVD player was not HDMI capable, so I only use Component cables. The analog cables are ok compared with composite but when I compared the composite output with that of HDMI, there was stunning difference noted.

Globelines 2Mbps DSL line...happy

This is the speed I'm getting at the moment from my 2Mbps ADSL subscription. And I might say I'm impressed.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can't Get Log on to Yahoo! Mail

It's already been a couple of days that we (here in the house) cannot access our Yahoo! Mail. I called the Globelines Broadband hotline, I told them my problem, and after asking me to turn the modem off and on again after 10secs, then she asked me to try and log in again. Lo and behold, I was able to log in.

Globe Visibility Prepaid vs. Smart Bro Prepaid

Both local telcos, Globe and Smart have launched their own Prepaid Wireless Broadband service. Previously a premium service from both company, they now are aiming at the prepaid market. Both are riding on each network's 3G connection.

What's funny is, this service and the unit (Globe uses a Huawei USB modem, while Smart uses a proprietory USB modem) are now trickling down to the main market, those who cannot afford a postpaid broadband connection, those who are always on the move (as long as their is a signal on each network's towers, these modems will work), and those who are just adapters.

The modems started out expensive but now are both down to the P3K mark, where Globe is the cheapest of the 2 with their modem priced at P3500 only.

My uMobile SIM

This was sent thru courier. uMobile is a new mobile phone company that is owned initially by CURE Telecoms but was recently acquired by SMART Network.

It's one cool idea, the subscriber gets free P100 load every month for the whole 12 months. A subscriber can also earn more free loads just by clicking on the ads sent on their phones.

Although I haven't seen any ads sent to my phone.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

HDMI now OK with my new Philips DVD 6620

I bought a Philips DVD 6620 player the other day, it's got a slim and sexy appearance for a DVD player, other than that, it's the HDMI output that attracted me to it.

But when I tried connecting the HDMI output to my TV, it's not getting any signal. Now I was paranoid, it's either the DVD player is busted or my HDTV is busted or it's the HDMI cable that has a problem. I called SAMSUNG's local tech support number, turned out that they will come over my place to check if it's the TV that has a problem, that is, if I don't figure out what's really wrong.

So I brought the DVD player back to SM Appliance center hoping that it's the DVD player that's busted. Good thing, I was able to talk to a courteous customer service assistant, she helped me test my unit. Lo and behold, the unit I got was busted. They took a new unit, we tested it and I took it home.

I powered it up and hooked it up to my HDTV, it works with the HDMI connection! But while trying on different types of media and file formats, trying to find out if the player can handle it (as advertised). All's well, until I popped in a Region 1 DVD, and it gave me an error format. Now I have a sexy and pretty upconverting DVD player that can only handle Region 3 disks. Good thing I was able to find a hack that will change the region setting of the player to all-regions. Now I can enjoy my DVDs!

Monday, August 25, 2008

New Car Stereo and Speakers

Today I had the car's window tints changed into a more darker ones. And, perhaps out of impulse, I replaced my old car speakers (who were 8 years old and dying anyways) with new ones (Infinity and JBL). Though still perfectly working (except for the busted backlight), I also replaced my car audio headunit with an Alpine Headunit that is iPod compatible.

Now, with the new car stereo, I just plug my iPod Nano into the cable hidden in the glove compartment and control everything from the headunit.

Funny thing was, I can't seem to use the search function by folders (i.e. Playlist, Artists, Songs, etc.) during my first try (of course, I don't want to under-utilize the thing by not using the features), but was able to figure out how the thing works (the manual helped a bit, but honestly, the information was a bit on the limited side). And the best thing about it is, I'm very much impressed.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Car Stereo and Speakers

Today I had the car's window tints changed into a more darker ones. And, perhaps out of impulse, I replaced my old car speakers (who were 8 years old and dying anyways) with new ones (Infinity and JBL). Though still perfectly working (except for the busted backlight), I also replaced my car audio headunit with an Alpine Headunit that is iPod compatible.

Now, with the new car stereo, I just plug my iPod Nano into the cable hidden in the glove compartment and control everything from the headunit.

Funny thing was, I can't seem to use the search function by folders (i.e. Playlist, Artists, Songs, etc.) during my first try (of course, I don't want to under-utilize the thing by not using the features), but was able to figure out how the thing works (the manual helped a bit, but honestly, the information was a bit on the limited side). And the best thing about it is, I'm very much impressed.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The uMobile Diary: Ads

It's almost a month since I got my uMobile SIM, first thing that happened was, my FREE load got consumed without me knowing it. I found out that my HP iPaq 510 Voice Messenger was connecting wirelessly (which app I don't know) and eating up my load. So the first month load just disappeared. Now, I made sure that when the next month came, my phone is off. Lo and behold there's my P100 load and I was able to make my first call today. But I can't seem to send text messages.

Regarding the ads, well, still hasn't received anything.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

PLDT Landline Plus Prepaid SIM

There's a problem in marketing when a product is launched but the availability is scarce. That's what happened with the PLDT Landline Plus Prepaid SIM. Even their business centers doesn't carry them.

It was just a few days after they've launched this product when I went to the Welcome Rotonda PLDT Business Office, I told that they have it but doesn't have any stocks (what a way to put it right?), anyways, I tried looking for the SIM at "dealers" but this elusive SIM is not to be found.

Today, I went to the Pasay City Business Office to check if they have the SIM, but lo and behold, I was told that they don't have it anymore and that they're not selling it in their office (even when there's this big tarpauling advertising the product), that I should check out the dealers. YEAH RIGHT, looks like this very promising product was outed very early to provide confusion and congestion on the network, since it's really a GSM SIM with some limitations to it.

Friday, August 08, 2008

myGlobe iPhone

Globe has customized postpaid plans for you to enjoy and maximize the features of the iPhone 3G. Globe's iPhone 3G Plans include free call minutes, free text messages and free internet both mobile (using Globe's network) and Wi-Fi (using WiZ Wi-Fi). You can get the iPhone 3G for free at Plan 4999! This comes with 100 hours of mobile internet and unlimited access using Wiz Wi-Fi.

The 8GB and 16GB are available under the Prepaid Kit offer. The 8GB retails for P41,899 and the 16GB retails for P48,899. While the price may be steep, the price is a result of increase in dollar exchange rate as well as tax. This is why Globe is giving you P1,000 worth of load for every purchase. Plus, you even get P1,000 discount when you are one of the first 1,000 who avails via reservation!
myGlobe iPhone

Will you look at this, the hype is too much and so is the Price! Too much!
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chain Emails

It's unfortunate that chain letters did not stop when snail mail became obsolete. They're still here and taking the form of legitimate emails from families and friends who still fall prey to these kinds of belief, that bad luck will come if you don't pass it on.

I was thought in my religion class that this can be a form of false idolatry. But what's more worrisome is that they apply it even on real prayers. People! God does not anything in return when He gives. Neither will he punishes you if you don't pass forward a prayer, though you will definitely be blessed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Home : Globe Corporate

Home : Globe Corporate

I read an article the other day stating that Globe is lacking some improvements on their services. I agree 100% Nothing exciting has been released from this telco for some time. Things are getting boring. And it spans to all it's subsidiary...Globelines, Innove, Handyphone, TM etc.
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Be Funky

Here's a very easy way to "cartoon-ize" your picture. It's an online app that will transform your pictures into cartoons. Check it out.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mozilla addons

I think I found a good addon for Firefox3, gives me easy access to blogging within the browser. Now that I have this ScribeFire, blogging is a lot easier.

I can do this before with the Flock browser, but I use Firefox more often. I can even update my Twitter account with the TwitterFox addon.

Monday, June 23, 2008



Globelines has not updated their speeds for more than a year now. Their maximum speed is 3Mbps on a data only package and 2Mbps on a data + phone package.

But let me just emphasize that my 2Mbps connection has been stable for more than a month now. Consistent speed and uninterrupted connection. I just hope that this is not a dream.
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Globe Visibility Now on Prepaid

Phone Tools : myGlobe

This is inevitable. If Smart has their SmartBro Prepaid, this is Globe's answer to that. Basically the same price, Globe just made the price "affordable".
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

ASUS EeePC 1000H sale on Taiwan

The ASUS' 10-inch Eee PC 1000H on sale this soon after being introduced at Computex is like a breath of fresh air. NT$18,988 (or around $625).
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No PowerPC Snow Leopard


Mac user's of PowerPC processors are surely disappointed that they will not be able to upgrade to the latest Mac OS 10.6 since it will only support Intel processors.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sony Ericsson's Cyber-shot C905


Sony Ericsson's Cyber-shot C905, codenamed "Shiho." It has an 8.1megapixel camera with both xenon and LED flashes (for still and video capture, respectively), GPS, TV out, DLNA certification, and HSDPA . The screen's just QVGA, to be released some time in the 4th quarter of this year. Nice!
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

iPhone 3G is finally official, starts at $199, available July 11th - Engadget

iPhone 3G is finally official, starts at $199, available July 11th - Engadget

Thinner edges, full plastic back, flush headphone jack, and the iPhone 2.0 firmware. Obviously 3G is at the forefront, but they're also making sure it's available all over internationally, works with enterprises, runs 3rd party apps... and does it all for cheaper. Battery life 300 hours of standby, 8-10 hours of 2G talk, 5 hours of 3G talk, 7 hours of video and 24 hours of audio. GPS is also a go. Apple is using A-GPS, which supplements regular satellite GPS data with info from cellular towers. WiFi data is also worked into the mix, which should give users a pretty solid lock on where the heck they are on this planet. Unfortunately, there's no front-facing cam. Apple hopes to launch in 70 countries this year. 8GB is available for $199, 16GB for $299 -- and the 16GB comes in white.
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Avantgo today

New Palm Centro, meaning reminiscing of old Palm softwares that are kept up to date, and one of them is Avantgo. As I logged on to my account (good thing I remembered my userID and password), I am now contemplating if I will install Avantgo into my phone or not. Hmmm?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

To iPhone or not to iPhone

Lately, a lot of my friends have been asking about how good the
iPhone is, is it worth buying or not. My answer is, it depends.

The iPhone is surely a head-turner. The Omph factor is definitely
there. But after a while, it goes away. I mean, yeah I would like to
get one but perhaps, not the current generation.

Weeks ago, I was in a dilemma too, as to what my new phone should be,
and I ended up picking usefulness against, form. Same with the
iPhone, if you're wanting a phone (PHONE), then get the iPhone, it's
very classy and the wow-factor is very much there. But that's as far
as you can get. Use it as a phone, to dial and converse with people,
because if you go beyond calling, then the frustration sets in. Why
do I say this? You see, the input option for the iPhone is mainly (or
is ONLY) thru the touch screen, thru the "multi-touch" that Apple has
been bragging since day 1 of the iPhone. That means, no tactile
feedback, but, again, if you're after the interface, then the iPhone
is the way to go. The display and the UI is very amusing and
attracting at the same time. Again, it all ends there. Because when
the device tries to guess what letter you're trying to press and the
errors are up there. And that's even if the predictive text is off.

The point? Well, the iPhone is a very nice phone, nice feature-set
but for practicality, nah! If you're a person who uses his/her phone
mainly for text, DIFFICULT! At the moment, ebooks (e.g. novels,
medical books, etc) cannot be installed. Applications are still on
their way.

For me, I'm definitely getting one, but not yet! I will still go on
using my Palm Centro. Maybe when they have a much better feature-set
that will suit my needs, then and when the local telcos support it,
maybe then, but again, NOT YET!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Globe Visibility Time-based Pricing

This is Globe's new offering on their wireless broadband service, the time-based pricing of their Visibility service. Still comes with the Huawei E222 usb modem, works with Windows, Macs and Linux.
Tempting but I don't know if it's practical or not.
Phone Tools : myGlobe
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Palm OS SkinUI

I tried this and didn't like it. It made my Centro sluggish. But for
a freeware, it's something to be thankful for.

Palm Centro Files: the Email client

The Palm Centro is a very capable phone, without considering that the
operation system is aging, it gives you most functionalities and use it.

There are phones that offer users new functions, but very seldom will
users be able to use it. One of the reasons why I chose this phone
instead of the Sony Ericsson P1i, because with the Palm Centro, I can
use the features that come with it.

One of these features is the capability to send and receive emails.
Though I've done it with my Sony Ericsson M600i, I don't know if I
can replicate it again on the P1i.

But with the Centro, it's very easy. Just input the email address and
the wizard will help you with the settings. And it simply works.

Monday, May 12, 2008

iPhone in RP by Globe

According to Globe's website, they will be bringing in the iPhone to the Philippines. This is a fairly good news especially to Apple die-hards.

At the moment, there are plenty of iPhones in the Philippines mostly from the grey market or from relatives from the US, either way, all of these iPhones in the market does not enjoy any official support from Apple. With this development, many people who have been holding off in buying their own iPhone will surely dig deep in their pockets to enjoy the rich interface of the Apple cellphone.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Microsoft XP to continue only for budget notebooks

While Microsoft has seen it fit to keep XP around as its "relatively non-bloated OS" alternative to the Linux that has dominated this new category of "ultra low-cost PCs" (ULPCs), they're certainly not giving away the farm. Microsoft doesn't want this version of XP Home creeping into mainstream laptops and desktops, where it might compete with Vista sales and high-margin machines from PC manufacturers. To that end, Microsoft is setting the limits for ULPCs at 10.2-inch screens, 80GB of storage, 1GB of RAM, 1GHz processors (with some exceptions) and no touchscreens. The upshot is that licenses for XP will go for $26 in developing nations and $32 elsewhere.
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Smart Broadband seeks NTC nod for expansion into Internet TV

Smart Broadband seeks NTC nod for expansion into Internet TV
By Mary Ann Ll. ReyesSunday, May 11, 2008

Smart Broadband Inc. (SBI) is seeking additional frequency bandwidth from the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) for the expansion and enhancement of its wireless broadband services, including a planned foray into Internet protocol television or IPTV.IPTV is a digital TV service which delivers television content to the viewer, not through traditional broadcast and cable formats, but through the technologies used for computer networks such as IP.For residential users, IPTV is often provided along with video on demand and may be bundled with Internet services such as Web access and VoIP (Voice over IP). The commercial bundling of IPTV, VoIP and Internet access is referred to as “Triple Play” service.
Philippine Star - Articles - -
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Saturday, May 10, 2008

iCall - FREE calls to the US

When I was searching the net for cheap ways to call people from the internet, I stumbled upon, iCall, it's a VoIP type of calling that uses the broadband connection of the user. What set's it apart from the other VoIP services like Skype and Gizmo, is that, it offers free calls to any type of phone to the US and Canada. No fees required.

But I was disappointed when I used it tonight for the first time. The other end cannot hear me, or if we were lucky enough, the line was choppy. I could have ignored the delay, but a choppy line would be unacceptable. I will still try to call other numbers since I just called a New York number, hopefully I will be lucky with other numbers.

Hyundai i800

Looks familiar? It's because it the Hyandai Grad Starex. Introduced abroad as the i800. The i800 sports captain's chairs up front with two three-passenger benches out back. That makes a grand total of eight seat belts thanks to its totally accommodating third-row. Hyundai's big van is powered by a 2.5L four-cylinder CRDi diesel engine, so we expect acceleration is an afterthought in this cavernous cruiser. The i800 does, however, feature a coil-sprung rear suspension for a more minivan-like ride than some of its commercial transport competition.
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Price of the MSI Wind

I've been waiting for more details on the MSI Wind to come out, and I guess it's starting to trickle down, sketchy reports are saying that it will sell at $610 dollars, that's roughly P25T. I don't know if it's worth since I haven't personally seen it, but if they are going after the eeePC market, I don't think it's the way to go.

Recent specifications are a 10-inch screen, 1.6GHz processor (supposedly an Atom), 1GB of RAM, an 80GB disk and XP. I think they're going after the HP mini-note rather than the eeePC
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Friday, May 09, 2008

Camera Phone

It's been a while since I used a "usable" camera phone. Now, I don't have to worry about filling up my phone's memory. a 2GB expansion card (microSD) is more than enough to store a days worth of fun pictures.

 It's a very good way to document things as they happen during the day. Here's a link to where the pictures are posted.

Check it out here.

Palm Centro Files: Battery Life and Charger

I don't know if it's because I didn't charge the battery for more than 8 hours in the first charging from the box, or it's really the battery but the battery life on my Centro does not reach the whole day. I mean, half way through the day, I'm already on my half power on the battery, makes sense?

Well, I have to bring the charger with me all the time to make sure that the batteries don't drain out on me mid of the day.

Oh and speaking of chargers, I don't like how it looks like. I like the charger for my Palm Zire 72 better. It looks like the charger of my cheapo portable DVD player hehehehe.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Palm Centro Files: Phone re-starts after Hotsync

I've upgraded my Palm Desktop to 6.5 and I've noticed that every time I hotsync, the phone part of the Centro turns off or the whole unit re-starts. Is this a bug or what?

Also I've noticed that the Hotsync log, always reports that there are errors during syncing but I can't seem to find the errors.

Palm Philippines - Products - Palm Centro Smartphone

With the launch of the newest Palm OS based smartphone, people are asking, what's wrong with Palm, and some are answering, it's because Palm is dying if not dead.

Hmmmm, it's been years that people have been saying how stupid Palm is for not listening to what people wants. Because Palm lacked the new features found in newer smartphones, I would like to agree with them, with one observation.

HEY Palm is still here!

Palm Philippines - Products - Palm Centro Smartphone
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